CAS researchers announced in China's Modernization Report 2003 that the gapbetween the China's modernization level and that achieved by developed countries is narrowingsteadily. The report, which was recently completed by the CAS Modernization Research Center (MRC),analyzes the theories and practice of the modernization research during the last 50 years of the20th century. On the basis of analyzing a great amount of data, researchers suggest that theworldwide course of modernization drive from the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18^(th) centuryincludes two stages. The first modernization involves the process and changes of the transition fromagricultural society to industrial society, agricultural economy to industrial economy,agricultural civilization to industrial civilization, agricultural age to industrial age. The secondmodernization describes the process and changes of the transition from industrial society toknowledge-based society, industrial economy to knowledge-based economy, industrial civilization toknowledge-based civilization, industrial age to knowledge-base age.