为培养学生的创新意识和能力 ,积极尝试课堂教学模式的改革 ,问题教学是较为成功的模式。在教学中围绕着学生的“学”,让学习者提出问题 ,在教师的指导下师生共同探讨解决问题。本文尝试用教育理论阐述该模式的理论基础和模式的建构 ,介绍我们在教学实践中的几点体会。
In order to cultivate the students' consciousness and the ability to make innovation, the reform of the current classroom teaching pattern has been tried, in which the teaching pattern of' asking and answering the question' is more successful. In the teaching process, let students ask the question. Then students seek to answer the question under the teacher's guidance. The paper tries to expound the theoretical basis with educational theory and to create the pattern. Some experiences in teaching practice are also introduced in the paper.
Journal of Subject Education