Taiyuan has put forward a whole plan of s eries activities of promotion of bus ines s and touris m to celebrate its 2500-year anniver-s ary. There are 34 major activities with "Tradition", "Feeling", "Enthu-s ias m" and "Flying" as their four main periods. During the firs t peri-od of "Tradition", the folk art and folk culture of Taiyuan will be demons trated; the period of "Feel-ing" is to introduce the touris m, culture and local traditions with the local s pecialty; "Enthus ias m" peri-od will hold memorial conference for the annivers ary as the climax of the
Taiyuan has put forward a whole plan of s eries activities of promotion of bus ines s and touris m to celebrate its 2500-year anniver-s ary. There are 34 major activities with 'Tradition', 'Feeling', 'Enthu-s ias m' and 'Flying' as their four main periods. During the firs t peri-od of 'Tradition', the folk art and folk culture of Taiyuan will be demons trated; the period of 'Feel-ing' is to introduce the touris m, culture and local traditions with the local s pecialty; 'Enthus ias m' peri-od will hold memorial conference for the annivers ary as the climax of the whole
Shanxi Today