本文以“石油化工企业设计防火规范”等消防规范和德尔菲专家调查法为基础 ,尝试进行石化企业内自然厂的消防安全评价。评价中 ,固定消防设施部分以各生产装置和储运设施为单元 ,各装置、设施的权重在道化学公司火灾、爆炸危险指数法的基础上确定 ;移动消防力量部分和消防管理部分以厂为单元 ,各指标的权重由层次分析法确定。对于各指标的评价打分 ,本文暂不给出明确的分级标准 ,而是在各项指标下设置若干检查要点 ,专家根据实际情况与相关法规条文的符合程度进行打分。最终采用线性加权模型得出评价结果 。
This paper aims to present suggestions on how to make fire safety evaluation of separate petrochemical plants based on the fire protection codes and the safety inspection tips concerned. As is generally acknowledged, fire safety evaluation is one of the best means to guarantee the fire safety and detect the weak points in fire prevention. The primary and essential indexes of the system consist of three parts: mobile fire fighting ability, fixed fire equipments and fire managements. The mobile fire fighting power lies in the 5 lower indexes: fire station, fire equipment, fireman, tactical planning and routine training; the fire management has 4 lower indexes: responsibility for fire safety, awareness to fire safety, quality of the staffs, ability for self rescue. With the fixed fire equipment, a number of installations and establishments are involved, with 7 lower indexes in the range of evaluation: safety accessories, fire and explosion prevention for electricity, system for detecting and alarming, fire extinguishing system, extinguisher, fire prevention space and fire engine track. The fire safety weights of each installation and establishment are calculated on the basis of Dow's index of fire and explosion hazard; whereas for the mobile fire fighting ability and fire management, the plant is treated as a whole, and the weights are determined through expert investigation. In addition, some inspection tips and the advice of the related experts are also provided in conformity with the quality of the real situation and the corresponding code items. Finally, evaluation results are drawn through linear weighted sum model, and indexes to be preferentially rectified are determined by means of a comprehensive assessment of all the fire safety indexes rectified to 'excellence'. The preliminary evaluation results given in the actual implementation prove to agree basically with the real situation of the petrochemical enterprises and further efforts are needed to enrich the present evaluation suggestions.
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety science
petrochemical enterprises
fire safety assessment
index system
Dow's index of fire and explosion hazard