Experimental results involving micromanipulation of chromosomes by an optical trapping force created by a 1060 nm Neodyniurn YAG laser or a 700-760nm titanium-sapphire laser were reported in this paper. When optical forces were applied to the late moving metaphase chromosomes, the trapped choromosomes initiated movement with rapid velocity to the metaphase plate.At the initiation of anaphase,a pair of chromatids could be held by the optical trap and kept motionless at the equatorial plate throughout anaphase,while the other pairs of chromatids separated and moved to opposite spindle poles. As a result, the trapped chromosome was either incorporated into one of the daughter cells or lost in the cleavage furrow, or the two chromatids eventually separated and moved to their respective daughter cells. However, the titanium-sapphire laser - induced force was a much stronger trap in the manipulation
of chromosomes, and the side effect of cell damage was less in comparision with of the YAG laser.When desirable energy dosages were applied,the survival rate of trap ped cells, indicated by undergoing further division to the formation of two daughter cells,was high,regardless of the elongation of mitosis.It was demonstrated that the optical trap is a potential tool for noninvasive study of mitotic spindle and chromosome movement of living cells, and it is also a new technique for inducing monosomy and trisomy in cell genetics.
Acta Laser Biology Sinica
optical trar
Living cells