半圆型防波堤设计施工规程征求意见稿根据不同应用条件规定了两套波浪力计算公式。两套公式各有一定适用范围 ,但也存在都可使用的搭接区域 ,本文利用实际工程情况 ,比较两套公式计算结果的衔接合理性。计算结果表明 ,两套方法得到的水平波浪力可满足要求 ,但垂向力计算尚需进一步验证。
The draft of design and construction regulations of semi-circular breakwaters provides two sets of formulae under different conditions.It is to be put into practice.They have their own applying ranges but there is a range in which both of them can be used.This paper is to investigate whether the result calculated by one accords with another in that range.The results show that both of them can satisfy the demands on the wave forces calculation on horizon,but they need an in-depth study on vertical.And the feasibility that compose the wave forces of different parts of semi-circular erected mixture breakwaters,which is calculated by the formulae hereinbefore,is also discussed in the paper.
Port Engineering Technology