The design and fabrication of a PDMS membrane based electromagnetic micropump for Biomedical microfluidic handling system are reported. The micropump is composed of a thin elastic membrane made of PDMS (polydimethyl siloxane ), a NdFeB piece adhering to the bottom of the PDMS membrane and a planar coil underneath. Compared with silicon membrane, PDMS elastomer has more physical and chemical stability, long lifetime and better mechanical and optical performances. Membrane displacement is caused by the electromagnetic interaction between the NdFeB piece and the coil. And this will control the input and output of the microfluid. When the coil is driven by the square signal of 5 Hz and 80 mA,the maximum displacement of the PDMS mermbrane of 6 mm×6 mm area and 40 μm thickness achieves 300 μm.
Microfabrication Technology