随着美国体育产业的蓬勃发展 ,法律纠纷事件与日俱增。对于日趋增多的法律纠纷事件 ,人们逐渐希望通过司法程序来解决纠纷。文章论述了美国体育管理法规的历史沿革、立法形式和司法程序 ,分析了纠纷双方的基本对策和解决方法 ,阐明了体育侵权行为的民事责任以及设法免遭因体育责任事故而被起诉的一般方法 ,剖析了我国体育法制建设中的主要问题 。
Legal disputes in U.S.A. have been occurring more fr eq uently in the sport industry than they did years ago. Litigation has increased b ecause more people turn to the legal system to resolve their disputes. One reaso n for this is the rising financial interests in amateur and professional sport. In order to make legally sound decisions in China as far as the Chinese sport la w is concerned, it is important for Chinese sport managers and scholars to have a basic understanding of these sport legal issues in United States of America.
Zhejiang Sport Science