目的 为了探讨复方板蓝根颗粒治疗病毒性心肌炎及其室性心律失常的疗效。 方法 将 197例病毒性心肌炎病人随机双盲分为复方板蓝根治疗组 133例和对照组 6 4例病人进行自身前后对照开放性试验。病人服用复方板蓝根颗粒 (成分 :板蓝根、大青叶、连翘、拳参 )每次 1包每天 3次 ,疗程 3月。对照组病人用ATP 4 0mg +CoA 10 0ug +VitC 2g + 5 %GS 5 0 0ml静脉滴注每天一次 ,疗程 3月。在治疗前后观察病人临床症状 ,心电图及 2 4小时动态心电图、血清心肌酶和肝肾生化检验。 结果 病人服药后主觉症状消失及各项检查基本正常的有效率93 2 % ,需要治疗天数 71 3天± 15 1天。治疗室早的有效率 85 5 %优于对照组 (P <0 0 5 )。柯萨奇病毒抗体中和试验CoxB1~ 6 由治疗前是正常值的 3倍~ 4倍下降到正常值 (P <0 0 5 )。 结论 复方板蓝根颗粒治疗病毒性心肌炎患者是有效的。
Objective To explored clinical therapeutic efficacy of isatis indigotica fort co granules in patient with viral myocarditis to accompany ventricular arrhythmia Methods One hundred and ninety seven patients with viral myocarditis divided randomly double blindly into treated group(n=133) and control group(n=64),in treated group they were given isatis indigotica fort co granules by oral administration,once a bag(4 5g) three times a day The co granules contained isatis indigotica fort,hygropliila salicifolia nees,forsythia suspensa vahl,poygonum bistorta L The patients contrasted himself openly between before and after treatment and continuously taken three months The patients in control group treated by ATP 40mg+CoA 100ug+VitC 2g+5%GS 500ml in vein once every day and continuously taken three months The changes of clinical symptoms,ECG,holter,blood serum value of myocardium enzyme,hepatic and renal function test were observed and measured respectively before and after treatment Results The patients treatment efficacy rate were 93 2% and the convalescence needed 7l 33±15 11 day to return to normal Total efficacy rate of ventricular premature beats were 85 5%(P<0 05) after treated with isatis indigotica fort co granules The CoxB 1~6 titer was higher 3~4 times than normal value before treatment and which returned to normal after treatment(P<0 05) Conclusion It was efficiently that patients with viral myocarditis and ventricular premature beats treated by isatis indigotica fort co granules
Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease