为了掌握四川省公安消防部队基层官兵的心理健康状况 ,找准发生引起心理问题和不健康因素的应激源及其特点 ,我们对消防部队基层官兵进行了心理问题调研 ,发现公安消防部队基层官兵中存在不同比例的各种心理问题。他们心理负荷较重 ,紧张性生活事件经历的特点与一般人群不完全一样。为此 ,应在部队的经常性思想工作中引进和建立适合消防部队特点的心理教育疏导工作机制 ,有针对性地采取有效措施预防和减少消防部队官兵心理障碍的发生 ,确保部队的高度稳定和保持昂扬的斗志 。
To learn the status quo of the psychological problems of armymen at the low levels, and find out the causes of these problems, we have conducted this survey and analysis. The survey reveals that there are a variety of the psychological problems of armymen at the low levels and their stress is varied from person to person. Therefore it is urgent to set up the working system to relieve these problems and ensure everything can be done well.
Journal of the Armed Police Academy