首先 ,对南戏《拜月亭》之“拜月亭”的情节来源作了考证 ,认为在南戏《拜月亭》之前已有一部有“拜月亭”情节的原创作品 ,而南戏虽剧名作《拜月亭》 ,但已删去了“拜月亭”的情节。其次 ,对南北《拜月亭》的关系作了考述 ,认为关汉卿的《拜月亭》杂剧是根据南戏改编的。第三 ,对南戏《拜月亭》的作者与版本作了考述 。
The text first criticizes on the origin of the plot of the southern drama The Pavilion for Worshipping the Moon , affirming the drama to be based on another primitive drama of the same title, but the plot to have been greatly changed. Secondly, the text regards that the great dramatist Guan Hanqing adapted the southern drama The Pavilion for Worshipping the Moon to compose his miscellaneous drama The Pavilion for Worshipping the Moon . Thirdly, the text criticizes on the various editions and their authors of the southern dramas The Pavilion for Worshipping the Moon , pointing out their difference.