新疆是我国后备土地资源比较丰富的省区 ,在西部大开发 ,建设小康社会的时期 ,充分、合理开发利用土地资源 ,特别是耕地资源 ,具有十分重要的实际价值和深远的意义。为了这一目标 ,本文在对新疆耕地资源遥感调查的基础上 ,采用高新技术 ,计算机系统管理将耕地资源调查数据科学集成 ,为政府可靠和合理使用土地资源服务。通过对数据来源和社会需求分析后 ,本文阐明了对新疆耕地资源数据库系统的总体设计思路 ,并指出了该数据库系统的结构特点等。
Xinjiang is rich in mothball land resources in China. It has a very important practical and far-reaching significance to rationally use land resources, especially the farmland resources in the great development of west China and the all-around construction of a relatively comfortable society. Based on the remote sensing investigation on the farmland resources in Xinjiang and by applying the high-tech and computer-management, to scientifically integrate of the sporadic data of land resources can provide the services for the governments and the production departments to reliably and rationally use the land resources. After analyzing the data sources of the land resources and the social requirements, this paper discusses the overall design conception of the database system of farmland resources in Xinjiang (i.e., the design objectives, design principles, logistic structure of the database design, and the application, analyzing and processing systems) and the structure of the database system (including the subsystem of the database of whole Xinjiang, the subsystem of the database of the prefectures and autonomous prefectures, and the subsystem of the database of the counties and autonomous counties).
Arid Zone Research
新疆维吾尔自治区计委委托项目 ( 992 0 17)