利用 195 5~ 2 0 0 0年陕西渭北旱塬地区 5个县、市冬季最低平均气温 ( 1月 ) ,夏季最高平均气温 ( 7月 ) ,秋季 ( 9~ 11月 )降水资料 ,对近 46年来陕西渭北旱塬地区气候变化与ElNino/laNina事件之间的相关性进行了分析研究。结果表明 ,对于渭北旱塬地区来说 ,LaNina事件的影响超过ElNino事件 ,LaNina年夏季平均气温显著下降 ,其影响年份在该地区出现冷夏 ,而秋季降水有增多趋势 ;ElNino年冬季平均气温略有上升 ,其影响年份在该地区出现暖冬 ,秋季降水则有所减少。
This paper analyzes the correlation between the climate change over the Weibei Dryland in Shaaxi Province and the El Nino/La Nina events since recent 46 years by using the data of minimum monthly temperature in January, maximum monthly temperature in July and precipitation in autumn (from September to November) in 5 counties (cities) of Shaaxi Province during the period from 1955 to 2000. The results show that, in the Weibei Dryland region, the monthly temperature in July is significantly decreased in the years of La Nina events, and the precipitation in autumn is increased. The monthly temperature in January in slightly increased in the years of El Nino events, and the precipitation in autumn is decreased to some extent.
Arid Zone Research
国家自然科学基金项目 ( 40 0 710 0 5 )
陕西师范大学 2 0 0 2年度校青年基金项目 (理科 13号 )