本文对晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区人工恢复植被存在的主要问题、植被自然恢复的必要性及可行性进行了详细论述。通过分析认为 ,无论是退耕地 ,还是小流域 ,植被都能依据自繁殖能力进行自然演替 ,并形成群落。在没有人为干扰和自然物种侵入的退耕地上 ,植被依据植物的演替规律自然恢复 ,15~ 2 0a为草本群落阶段 ,15a之后出现灌木 ,2 0~ 2 5a后可形成灌木群落 ,30~ 5 0a后 ,形成乔木群落 ;封禁 12a的小流域 ,木本植物的种类达 41种 ,分属于16科 34属。针对人工恢复植被存在的主要问题 ,提出因地制宜、合理规划 ,仿拟自然演替规律植树种草相结合 ,封抚结合 ,实现多林种 ,多树种的技术对策。
The loess hilly-gully areas in Shanxi Province are the regions with the most serious soil erosion and also the main regions of the ecological environment regeneration in the great development of west China. As a foundation of sustainable development of the regional society and economy, forestry becomes more and more important. This paper analyzes and discusses the main existing problems in the artificial regeneration of vegetation, necessity and feasibility of the natural restoration of vegetation. It is considered that the natural succession of vegetation and the formation of plant communities can be achieved whether on the lands withdrawn from farming or in the small watersheds if there are no artificial disturbance and intrusion of external plant species. It is also considered that, on the lands withdrawn from farming, the stage of herbage communities is 15~20 years, and the shrub plots, shrub communities and arbor communities will form after 15, 20~25 and 30~50 years respectively. In a small watershed, the arbor plants are increased to 41 species in 34 genera and 16 families after the hillsides are closed to facilitate afforestation. Aiming at the main existing problems in the artificial regeneration of vegetation, some measures are suggested.
Arid Zone Research
生态农业技术体系研究与示范 (编号 :2 0 0 2BA5 16A17-11-0 1)
山西省科技计划项目 (编号 :0 110 2 4)