目的 探讨前列腺切除术后尿道狭窄的原因 ,为预防和治疗提供依据。方法 对前列腺切除术后 33例尿道狭窄患者的临床资料进行分析。结果 开放手术和经尿道前列腺切除术 (TURP)术后发生尿道狭窄患者分别有1 4例 (占 5 3 % )和 1 9例 (占 2 5 % )。结论 术前合并慢性前列腺炎、术中操作不当及术后护理不当、泌尿系感染是手术后发生尿道狭窄的主要原因 ,经尿道冷刀内切开术及电切术是主要治疗方法。
Objective\ To investigate the causes of urethral stricture after prostatectomy.Methods\ 33 cases with urethral stricture after prostatectomy were clinically analyzed.Results\ Numbers of patients undergoing open operation or TURP were 14 cases(5.3%) and 19 cases (2.5%) respectively.Conclusion\ merging chronic prostatitis preoperative,inappropriate procedures at surgery and nursing care,urinary infection are the main causes of urethral stricture after prostatectomy .Transurethral cold knife urethrotomy and TURP are the most effective therapy methods.
Journal of Postgraduates of Medicine