为规避财务危机 ,减少财务损失 ,企业应经常性地利用财务会计报告和其他相关经营资料 ,结合运用多变量分析模型和单变量分析模型 ,进行财务预警动态分析 ,充分发挥其监测、诊断、预控和矫正的功能 ,从而保证企业持续、健康、有效地经营。
By using financial statements and other relative management information, Enterprises must constantly apply the models of financial early warning analysis to avoid financial Distress, to decrease financial losses and to ensure a sustained, healthy and efficient development. Multiple variable analysis must integrate with single variable analysis. So as to give full play to the fun ctions of models, such as monitoring, diagnosis, control and correction, must be given full play to.
Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University