研究了丙酮酸在不同浓度和添加时间对LactobacilluscaseiL 乳酸发酵过程中葡萄糖转化率和L 乳酸产量的影响。结果表明 ,当丙酮酸的添加量为 30g·L- 1 时 ,L 乳酸的产量达到 74g·L- 1 。在 72h的发酵周期内 ,丙酮酸在 2 4h和 42h添加的效果好于其他时间添加。
Fermentations were performed to investigate the effect of pyruvic acid addition, in the form of Na-pyruvate, on production of L-lactic acid from glucose by Lactobacillus casei. Results showed that 30g·L -1 of Na-pyruvate could increase the L-lactic acid production significantly, and the L-lactic acid production was 74g·L -1. During the 72h fermentation, pyruvic acid could increase the L-lactic acid production greatly when added at 24h and 42h.
Amino Acids & Biotic Resources