为研究中药对溃疡性结肠炎 (UC)的疗效 ,应用中药灌肠方保留灌肠为主 ,治疗溃疡性结肠炎 (UC) 34例 ,疗程 4周。近期总有效率 97 0 6% ,无肠穿孔、大出血及中毒性巨结肠等并发症。随访 18例 ,2年内未发现癌变 ,18例患者半年内复发率 5 5 6% ,1年内复发率 10 72 % ,2年内复发率 17 86%。提示中药具有抑菌、收敛、止血、镇痛、保护黏膜、促进血液循环、减轻水肿和渗出等作用 ,直接局部给药 ,治疗病变部位在乙状结肠以下的UC 。
To observe the clinical efficacy of Chinese medicine in treating ulcerative colitis, 34 cases were treated with retention enema of 'Guanchang Decoction'.The long-term total effective rate was 97.06%, with no enterobrosis massive hemorrhage and toxic macrocolon.Two-year survey of 18 cases found no canceration, the relapse rate was 5.56% within six months,10.72% within one year and 17.86% within two years.It is indicated that retention enema acts on the diseased foci and has a good result.
Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine