北洋政府时期的女子教育是近代女子教育史上的重要环节。这一时期 ,一方面 ,军阀林立 ,形成拥兵自重、争夺政权的割据火并局面 ;另一方面 ,启蒙思想日益高涨 ,“变”的观念深入人心。女子教育深受这两方面的影响。文章主要从这一时期女子教育取得的成绩、新文化运动带来的巨大影响及存在局限性入手 。
Woman's education in the period of Beiyang Administration was an important link in the modern woman's educational history,in which warlords stood in great number,gathered around soldiers,conducted themselves with dignity and set up the open fights between factions, on the other hand,the enlightenment was growing to even greater heights and the 'reform' was deeply rooted in the hearts of people.That influenced woman's education greatly.In this paper the author mainly deals with the achievements of the woman's education,the great influence of the new cultural movement and its limitation,and points out the developing train of the woman's education in that period.
Journal of Lishui Teachers College