我国反不正当竞争立法对商业贿赂的界定前后并不一致 ,学界观点也均有不同。本文从反不正当竞争立法本意出发 ,在针对不同认识进行客观分析的基础上对商业贿赂作出界定 ,并以其构成要件为线索 。
The legislation of anti-unfair-competition in our country is not identical with the definition of the commercial bribe and the ideas of the academic field are also different .This paper, starting from the legislation of anti-unfair-competition to define the commercial bribe on the basis of analyzing objectively different understandings, and having its formation as a clue,veveals the essential characteristics of the commercial bribe.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)