水环境容量是进行河流污染控制、削减污染源与实现水功能目标的重要依据。对漓江桂林市区段不同计算条件下影响水环境容量的各种因素进行了分析 ,并对水环境容量计算结果进行了讨论 ,提出结论和建议 :CODMn,NH3 N最枯月水环境容量在多年平均条件下分别为 7948 9kg/d ,1 0 3 8 0kg/d,在现状补水措施下分别为 60 74 6kg/d,789 8kg/d。目前 ,大面断面的来水水质良好 ,但要加强对NH3 N的排放控制 ;在水环境容量利用过程中 ,不能局部考虑或利用某一分段的水环境容量 ,应坚持对大面—净瓶山河段整体调配。建议尽快实施青狮潭水库管道供水工程 ,以确保供水质量。
Water environmental capacity provides a basis for river pollution control, reduction of pollution sources, and realization of the objectives of water function. In this paper, various factors affecting the water environmental capacity under different calculating conditions are analyzed for the Guilin section of the Lijiang River. The calculated results show that the long term averaged water environmental capacities of COD Mn and NH 3 N for the month at the minimum water stage are 6?074.6?kg/d and 789.8?kg/d respectively. Besides, some suggestions are proposed: although the quality of water flowing into the river is good, the discharge of NH 3 N still should be especially controlled; the water environmental capacity should not be locally considered, and an overall allocation of water resources should be performed for the Damian Jingpingshan section; and the piping water supply project from the Qingshitan Reservoir should be implemented to ensure the quality of water supply.
Water Resources Protection