于 1998年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月对广东车八岭保护区鸟类进行了调查 ,加上文献记载 ,共计有 2 2 3种鸟 ,隶属于 42科、16目。其中东洋种占 6 1 9%、古北种占 2 7 3%、广布种占 10 8%。对该区鸟类以G F指数进行多样性统计 ,得F指数为 2 7 85 ,G指数为 4 6 92 ,G F指数为 0 832。在该区鸟类名录中 ,单种科 13科 ,占总科数的31 0 % ;非单种科 2 9科 ,占总科数的 6 9 0 % ,所以G F指数比较高。在本区鸟类各科中 ,科、鹰科、雉科的多样性最高 ,GFk指数分别为 3 10 6、2 4 0 9、2 0 8,占本区F指数的 2 7 3%。与处于不同纬度地区的鸟类多样性相比 ,车八岭保护区的鸟类丰富程度与热带的尖峰岭地区及纬度更高的的江西武夷山地区的鸟类丰富度相当。
According to the survey and record on biodiversity of birds in National Chebaling Nature Reserve from 1998~2000, a total of 223 species of birds belonging to 42 families, 16 orders were found and listed in the paper. In the reserve, the birds of the oriental realm account for 61.9%, the palearctic realm for 27.3% and the dispersed-species for 10.8%, showing the avifauna is mainly oriental. The reserve has a great diversity which is commented by the way of the genus level (G-index), the family level (F-index) and the G-F index which is calculated by the ratio of G-index and F-index: F-index is 27.85, G-index is 4.692, and F-G index is 0.832. As there have 13 single species (31.0%) and 29 non-single species (69.0%), the G-F index is relative higher. Among the bird's families, the F-index of the Muscicapidae (3.106), Accipitridae (2.409) and Phasianidae (2.08) is higher than that of the others'.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology