目的 了解泰安市肾综合征出血热 (HFRS)流行病学特点。方法 对泰安市 1984~ 2 0 0 1年不同季节、年龄、性别和职业人群HFRS发病情况进行分析 ,对宿主动物带病毒、疫源地类型及健康人群隐性感染情况进行调查。结果 泰安市HFRS呈周期性流行 ,每 10年左右出现一次发病高峰 ;年内呈明显季节性高发 ,以春季发病为主。鼠种构成繁杂 ,室内以褐家鼠、野外以黑线姬鼠为优势鼠种。病区人群隐性感染率明显高于非病区。结论 泰安市HFRS发病以青壮年、男性、农民为主 ,学生发病比例有上升趋势 ;目前主要传染源为褐家鼠 ;属于家鼠型疫区 ,疫源地广泛、稳固。
Objective Epidemiological changes of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS)in Taian city were to find out. Methods Morbidity rate of HFRS among different seasons, age groups,sex,occupations from 1984 to 2001 were compared respectively. The condition of the host animal carring HFRS virus, the general population's inapparent infection and the type of HFRS epidemic foci were investigated simultaneously.Results There exited period prevalent of HFRS in Taian,and the peak morbidity rate came out per 10 years about. The incidence of HFRS in spring was higher than other seasons. The constitution of the rodent species was miscellaneous, Rattus norvegicus was the dominant in house,but the dominant in field was Apodemus agrarius . The inapparent infectious rate in epidemic areas was higher than no-epidemic areas. Conclusion Among population of 20-49 years old, men and farmers were main resource of HFRS cases, and HFRS risk of the youngsters would increased. The main source of infection was Rattus norvegicus the pathogen was type Ⅱ HFRS virus. Furthermore the endemic areas was wide-ranging and steady.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control