目的 探讨社区高血压人群管理及其效果。方法 对干预社区35岁以上人群进行高血压普查,然后对检出的确诊高血压和临界高血压患者进行为期3年的综合干预管理。结果 3年确诊高血压管理率平均为81.5%,血压达160/95mmHg以下的控制率为45.8%;3年临界高血压管理率平均为90.3%,160/95mmHg以下的控制率为75.7%;管理率随被管理对象的年龄增大而升高,但是,控制率以45岁年龄组最高,以后随年龄增高而下降。确诊高血压随访组的平均收缩压(MSBP)3年内下降了13.6mmHg,平均每年下降4.6mmHg;平均舒张压(MDBP)3年内下降了7.2mmHg,平均每年下降2.4mmHg;高血压随访组3年内心脑血管病发病率下降了46.7%,死亡率下降52.2%。结论 社区高血压人群管理是降低心脑血管病的发生和死亡的重要途径,而且是切实有效的。
Objective To study the community- based management of hypertension and its effects. Methods Blood pressure was measured for the each resident aged over 35 years old in the intervention community and the control communities. Patients with hypertension were treated with drugs, health education and followed-up for three years. Results 85. 1 % of the patients with a definite hypertension were under management, and 45. 8% of them, their blood pressure were under control at below 160/95 mmHg. The proportion of the patients under management increased with their aging, but the control rate was greatest at 45 years old group. SBP decreased by 13. 6 mmHg and DBP by 7. 2 mmHg in the definite hypertension followed-up groups. The averages per year were 4. 6 mmHg and 2. 4 mmHg. Conclusions It was much more effective to decreased incidence and mortality of cardi-and cerebrovascu-lar disease by Community- based Management.
Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health