研究了一种容易粉磨硅酸盐水泥熟料的组成、粉磨特性与物理性能。这种容易粉磨硅酸盐水泥熟料可以在煅烧温度低于 14 0 0℃的条件下烧成。其矿物组成与普通硅酸盐水泥熟料相同 ,但具有C3S含量高 (≥ 70 % )的特点。在水泥熟料粉磨至比表面积 3 2 0m2 /kg条件下 ,容易粉磨硅酸盐水泥熟料需要粉磨 4.5min ,而普通硅酸盐水泥熟料需要粉磨 8min。容易粉磨硅酸盐水泥熟料的 3d抗压强度可达 3 7MPa ,2 8d抗压强度可达 60MPa。
The mineral composition, grinding characteristic and physical properties of the easily grinding portland cement clinker were studied. This kind of material can be clinkered at the temperature of &le1400°C. Its mineral composition is similar to that of the ordinary portland cement clinker, but it is characterized by high C3C content and more than 70% (in mass) of C3C is contained based on the whole mineral composition. In the same test condition to obtain the specific surface area of 320 m2/kg, the easily grinding portland cement clinker needs the grinding of 4.5 min whereas the ordinary portland cement clinker needs the grinding of 8 min. In the compressive strength test, the easily grinding portland cement clinker gets 37 MPa and 60 MPa for 3 d test and 28 d test respectively.
Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society
国家重点基础研究发展规划"973计划"资助项目(2 0 0 1CB610 7)