我国是世界上最大的蜂产品生产和出口国,在全球蜂产品贸易中占有十分重要的地位。而这得 益于我国丰富的蜜源植物资源。本文综合其他科研工作者的研究成果,通过介绍刺槐的资源、分布及利 用现状,从一个侧面反映我国蜜源木本植物的资源与利用现状。同时根据目前利用中存在的一些问题提 出了部分建议:转变观念把种植蜜源植物当作养殖业发展;引起重视,加强法制建设;大力发展养蜂业; 加强环保;科学种植刺槐。
Due to the abundance in nectar plants resource, China plays so significant a role in the bee-products tradition as the largest producing and exporting country. Synthesizing other experts research achievements, the article conflicts the development of nectar woody plants resource and exploration in a side through the introductions of the development of the resource, distribution and exploration of Robinia pseudoacacia L.. Whats more, it also gives advice on the exciting problems at the same time to plant nectar plants as aquaculture, to cause governments attention, to strengthen the law construction, to develop the bees-product, to strengthen the environments protection, to plant Robinia pseudoacacia L .in scientific ways.
Agriculture and Technology