以抗赤星病烤烟CV87为供体,感病烤烟NC89为受体,采用浸种法将总DNA导入受体。收 获的变异株Jz96027种子发芽,得到的D1代个体,对其茎尖受体(亲本)的茎尖进染色体核型分析。 结果表明:烤烟NC89(受体)和变异株JZ97027染色体体数目2n=48,2个染色体组均为基本对称核 型。其中14对染色体为M型,9对为SM型,1对为ST型。变异株D1代Jz9702与受体NC89核型相 比较有第1、2、4、6、15、16、17、22共8对染色体有明显变异。变异株D1代Jz97027尚有染色体落 后畸变现象发生。
The total DNA of resistant red star disease from tobacco CV87 was transformed into Tobacco NC89 which sensitive to red star disease through seed-immersion method. D1 generation was obtained from seed sprout of the mutant plant Jz96027,and analyzed the chromosome karyotype of its top stem and the receptorr (parent).The result showed that: Chromosome number of Tobacco NC89(receptor)and mutant plant Jz97027 are all 48(2n),the two groups of chromosome are all basic symmetry karyotype. Among them 14 pairs of chromosome are M type,9 pairs are sM type,1 pair is ST type.There were 1、2、4、6、15、16、17and22total 8pairs of chromosome were manifest mutation in mutant D1 generation Jz9702 plant which karyotype compared with receptor NC89.Mutant D1 generation Jz97027 plant happened appearance of chromosome lag distortion also.
Agriculture and Technology