
上海市青少年危险行为现状研究(五)——自杀倾向与离家出走情况 被引量:11

Risk behaviors of adolescents in Shanghai:Ⅴsadness, suicide ideation and attempt running away from home
摘要 目的 了解上海市青少年自杀倾向与离家出走的情况。 方法 抽取上海市 19个区县中 2 7所初级中学、2 6所高级中学、13所完中和 39所中等职业学校 ,对 1年级学生进行调查。调查采用分层整群抽样方法。 结果  19.0 %的学生在过去的 1年中曾感到非常悲伤和无望持续两周以上。不同学校学生和不同性别的发生率在统计上有差异 (P <0 .0 1)。 13.2 %的学生在过去的 1年中曾想过自杀 ,该项发生率在不同类型学校学生的发生率有差异 ,男女生有差异 (P <0 .0 1)。 5 .1%的学生在过去的 1年中曾经为如何自杀制订过计划 ,1.2 %的学生在过去的 1年中曾有自杀行为 ,以上 4个变量在中心城区和非中心城区中的差异均没有统计意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。 2 0 .1%的学生调查前过去的 1年中想过离家出走。 3.1%的学生在调查前过去的 1年中离家出走过。 结论 青春期是开展自杀预防与控制的重要年龄段 ,通过在家庭、学校和社会的综合干预提高学生心理健康水平。 Objective To collect the information about sadness suicide ideation and attempt,leaving home among the adolescents of Shanghai. Method A risk behaviors questionnaire,titled'2002 Shanghai YRBSS', was conducted among 9 246 students selected from 27 middle schools, 26 high schools, 13 comprehensive secondary school and 39 middle occupation training schools in Shanghai,from April to June,2002. Results During the 12 months preceding the survey,19.0% of students who had been sueveyed had felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for ≥2 weeks in a vow that they couldn't do some usual activities well. Female students were significantly more likely than male studrnts were.The rates were different among three type students. 13.2% of students had considrerd attempting suicide during the 12 months preceding the survey. 1.2% of students had attempted suicide during the 12 months preceding the survey.20.1% of students had considered running away from home during the 12 months preceding the survey.3.1% of students had run away from home that their parents have not known about. Conclusion Adolescents is the important target group of preventing suicide and running away from home without their parents admitting for the special characteristic in psychology.The associated model,which includes social,school and family,is needed for suicide and leaving home preventing and controlling.
出处 《中国校医》 2003年第3期197-199,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Doctor
关键词 上海 青少年 危险行为 自杀倾向 离家出走 调查 Suicide Running Away From Home Adolescents
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