
放射性NiTi合金血管内支架可行性及安全性的实验观察 被引量:4

Experimental study on the feasibility and safety of radioactive nitinol stents
摘要 目的 观察 2 .3μCi的放射性NiTi合金血管内支架植入正常兔腹主动脉后的安全性及可行性。 方法 将16只兔随机分为放射性支架组 (n =8)及非放射性支架组 (n =8) ,分别于腹主动脉内植入放射性NiTi合金血管内支架和不具有放射性的NiTi合金血管内支架。于 3个月后处死两组动物 ,肉眼观察支架局部有无血栓形成 ,光镜及透射电镜观察支架局部血管的结构改变 ;生化法测定肝功、肾功 ;骨穿涂片观察骨髓象。结果 放射性支架组新生血管内膜厚度明显低于非放射性支架组 ,新生血管内膜平滑肌细胞 (SMCs)明显减少 ,中膜的厚度和SMCs与非放射组无显著性差异 ,两组新生血管内膜均完全内皮化 ,无血栓形成 ;两组的谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶和尿素氮、肌酐均无显著性差异 ;两组动物的骨髓增生均正常。结论  2 .3μCi的放射性NiTi合金血管内支架可减少血管新生内膜增生 ,对血管中膜、邻近重要脏器及骨髓造血无影响 ,可安全应用。 Objective To assess the feasibility and safety of radioactive nitinol stent in the normal abdominal arteries of rabbit in vivo. Methods Sixteen rabbits were randomly divided into radioactive and nonradioactive groups. In each group, the animals were euthanatized after 3 months. Thrombosis were investigated by eyes. Histomorphometry and transmission electron microscopy were used to determine the thickness and constitution of neointima and media, and also endothelialization. We still studied on the effects on liver, kidney and marrow. Results ①Neointima were thinner in radioactive than in non-radioactive group (P<0.05). ②In the neointima of radioactive stents, SMCs decreased markedly in radioactive group compared with nonradioactive stents;③No evident difference were found between the two groups in the thickness and component of media;④Complete endothelialization occurred at 3M in both groups;No thrombosis was found. ⑤No effects on liver, kidney and marrow. Conclusion Radioatctive nitinol stent with activity of 2.3μCi can inhibit neointima formation and have no damage to vessel media, liver, kidney and marrow. The Radioactive nitinol stents are feasible and safe to organism.
出处 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 2003年第3期211-214,共4页 Journal of Harbin Medical University
基金 黑龙江省九五攻关重点项目 (G98L2 1 1 2 )
关键词 放射性NiTi合金血管内支架 可行性 安全性 实验观察 radioactive nitinol stents vascular structure important organ marrow rabbit
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