文章首先指出了互联网给传统思想政治工作提出了严峻挑战 ,已成为现实思想政治工作必须面临的重大课题 ;进而分析 ,它虽然为思想政治工作提供了新的阵地和方法 ,但其发展对思想道德建设影响甚大 。
This article first points out that the internets have given a severe challenge to traditional political ideological work, which has become an important problem must be faced seriously. Then, the article analyses the new positions and methods offered by the internets for political ideological work. Because the internets develspment will make great influences on ideological and msral construction, we must seek the new ways how to do the political ideological work through the internets .
Journal of Zhoukou Normal University