教育是归因理论最重要的应用领域之一 ,学生对其学业成败的归因在决定其成就动机和学习行为方面有重要作用 .而当今成就动机研究几乎成了动机研究的同义语 ,关心学生学业成就的教育心理学家占据了动机研究的中心舞台 .在此背景下 ,归因理论的介入给其研究注入了新的活力 ,成为该领域的主旋律 ,对教育教学实践起着积极的指导意义 .文章拟结合动机研究的发展历程 ,对成就动机的归因模型建构加以探析 ,并讨论其在教育教学实践中的意义及运用 .
Education is one of the most important application fields of causal attribution's theory. To what students attribute their success and failure has significant effect on deciding their achievement motive and study buhavior.At present motive is almost the synonum of motive,and those educational psychologists who devote them to the research of schooling achievement become the backbone of motive study.Causal attribution's theory study brings new energy to this field and directs the educational practice positively. The article,combined with the developing process of motive study,analyse the causal attribution of achievement motive and discuss its significanse and application in educational practice.
Journal of Zhoukou Normal University