斜拉桥的斜拉索在塔柱内引起拉应力 ,曲线塔柱使此区域的应力分布更趋复杂。以飞云江三桥曲线塔柱为例 ,介绍拉索锚固区的预应力筋布置原则 ,建立 3个有限元分析模型 ,讨论了实体单元模型中预应力筋不同模拟方式对计算结果的影响 ,指出对曲线塔柱的拉索锚固区可沿用直线塔柱的布置原则 ,并宜采用多索节段模型进行结构分析。
Prestressing tendons are used in anchorage zone of tower to balance tensile force in cables Stress distribution in the zone becomes more complex in the case that tower columns are curve The prestressing tendons in curved tower column of the 3 rd Feiyunjiang Bridge are taken as an example, three finite element models are established for structural analysis Differences of calculating results between two kinds of tendon models are discussed, the strategy prestressing tendons can be arranged according to the traditional linear tower column, and finite element model includes several cables should be selected for structural analysis is proposed