研究了对称噪声信道下的量子密钥分配 (QuantumKeyDistribution ,QKD)过程 ,并得到了其误码率和信道保真度的关系式。基于量子态的局域区分原理 ,我们提出了使用“多纠缠态”进行噪声信道下的密钥分配的新方案。应用这个新方案 ,我们可以获得和在理想无噪声信道下使用最大纠缠态 (四个Bell态之一 )进行QKD一样好的结果。
We study the error rate of quantum key distribution (QKD) through noisy quantum channel, and we get the relationship between the quantum bit error rate (QBER) a nd the fidelity of the noisy channel. Basing on the local distinguishing princip le, we propose a scheme of QKD through the symmetric noisy quantum channel that can get secret keys without errors as using the maximally entangled states (the four Bell states) through pure quantum channel.
Journal of Quantum Optics