距离与参与问题是美学研究的热点和焦点问题之一。“距离”概念具有多义性 ,既可指空间距离、时间距离 ,又可指艺术与生活之间的距离 ,更重要的指心理距离、审美距离。“距离”说的背后隐藏着明显的二元思维模式和鲜明的精英文化立场。“距离”与“参与”相对 ,但“距离”本不拒绝“参与”。“距离”也罢 ,“参与”也罢 ,都有个“度”的问题 ,它们只是审美活动的不同侧面、不同维度、不同阶段而已 ,不能只强调一方而无视另一方的存在。
The relation between Distance and Participation have played an important role in the Aesthetic research field. Distance, as a concept, refers to not only space-distance, time-distance, but also psychical distance or aesthetic distance.Distance contradict against Participation in the common sense, but to the contrary sometimes. They are only different dimensions in aesthetic activity, so we should not emphasize on one and neglect the other.
Journal of Xuzhou Education College