自主研制的一个新型的基于工控机的心电监视和除颤系统 ,介绍了系统的设计方法 ,给出了整个系统的原理框图。着重探讨并实现了一种新的除颤高压的产生和控制方法。利用实验样机进行多次动物体内和体外除颤实验。结果表明 ,实验样机工作稳定 。
A new type of automated external defibrillator and ECG monitor based on industrial computer was designed independently. The designing method and the schematic diagram of the system were introduced in this paper. A new creative method to generate and control high voltage for defibrillation was accomplished.The results of internal and external experiments in animals showed that the sample system could function stably.
Journal of Branch Campus of the First Military Medical University