目的 了解冠心病介入治疗 (PTCA)患者在手术前后对健康教育知识、方法的需求。方法 采用访谈法用自制问卷在术前和术后对 62名PTCA患者进行调查。结果 PTCA患者对健康教育方法的需求在术前倾向于被动接受 ,术后倾向于主动学习 ,并存在着一些误区 ,需要护理人员加以引导。结论 护理人员在开展健康教育时 ,要根据患者对健康教育需求的特点选择恰当的方法 ,有针对性地进行 。
Objective To investigate pre and post operative demands for health education in terms of knowledge and skills in patients receiving PTCA.Methods A questionnaire investigation was performed in 62 patients receiving PTCA concerning pre and post operative demands for health education.Results The preoperative demand for health skills was largely passive, and the post operative demand tended to be active, thought there was some misunderstandings which needed to be corrected by the nursing workers.Conclusion Nurses should select appropriate and specific measures to improve the effects of health education according to individual demands.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army