目的 :从几组化疗止吐剂中筛选一帖经济有效、便于推广应用的止吐处方。方法 :采用CCT将 14 9例非顺铂化疗病人分为A、B、C三组。A组 5 2例 ,使用国产格拉司琼 ;B组 4 7例 ,用恩丹西酮 ;C组 5 0例 ,用胃复安 +地塞米松。以止吐效果为主要指标进行多侧面观察比较。结果 :止恶心、止吐有效率 ,A组有效率分别为 92 3%~ 94 2 % ,B组为 87 2 %~ 89 3% ,C组有效率分别分 4 8 0 %~ 6 8 0 %。A、B、C三组的不良反应发生率分别为 2 5 0 %、 36 2 %、5 2 0 %。结论 :格拉司琼可作为非顺铂化疗止吐首选用药 ,恩丹西酮可作为非顺铂化疗止吐次选用药 ,胃复安
Objective:To search for an antiemetic recipe,which is economical, effective and easy for application, three groups of drugs were screened.Method:149 non-cisplatin chemotherapy subjects were divided into three groups by clinical controlled trail, 52 cases in A group were treated with granisetron and 47 cases in B group with ondasetron while 50 cases in C group with metoclopramide and dexamethasone. The antivomiting effect and other symptoms were invesigated.Results:The effective rate of anti-nausea and anti-vomiting was 92.3% and 94.2% for A group, 87.2% and 89.3% for B group, and 48.0% and 68.0% for C group. The side effect incidence for A, B and C group was 25.0%,36.2% and 52%.The result of cost-effectiveness was 14.69 for group A and 26.59 for groupB.Conclusions:Granisetron can be used as the first antiemetic for non-cisplatin chemotherapy, ondasetron as the second antiemetic while metoclopramide and dexamethasone for the poor patients on chemotherapy.
Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Southwest China