Visual Basic (VB)是开发 Windows环境下图形化应用程序的良好工具 ,其易学易用已为广大编程爱好者公认。可是 VB开发的图形界面中规中矩 ,已不能满足日益张显个性的要求 ,就此本文以时钟程序为例 ,介绍如何用 VB开发具有透明效果的不规则图形界面应用程序的关键技术。
Microsoft Visual Basic is a convenient software development kit for graphical user interfaces,we can build a user interface very easily,but serve as an interface it looks very stiffness Nowaday, all of us are inclined to personalize forms, therefore recommend the technique to build transparent and anomalistic user interfaces used by VB in this document
Modern Electronics Technique