PCB组装时间取决于 2个因素 :包含元件的喂料器位置和元件的贴放顺序。综合考虑这 2个因素 ,提出基于整数规划的 PCB组装时间优化模型 ,并论证可转化为 TSP和 MWMP问题 ,从而利用已有算法求得模型的近似最优解。
The overall PCB assembly time depends on two different decision variables:the pickup locations of the components; the sequence in which the pickup and placement of components is performed In this paper,we develop a technique based on integer programming to determine optimal values of both the decision variables Since such a technique is computationally intractable,we also obtain near optimal solutions using the technique of TSP and MWMP for determining an optimum sequence of pickups and placements
Modern Electronics Technique