

Lateral tissue flap transposition used for breast conservative surgery in radical mastectomy of breast cancer
摘要 目的 探讨乳腺癌根治手术的同时进行乳房成形的术式及其临床意义。方法 自1997年至2002年对20例早期原发乳腺癌进行乳房成形的根治术。结果 20例手术均获成功,切口均甲级愈合,无乳头坏死。其中10例患者术后2年以上随访,均无肿瘤局部复发及转移。与不保留乳房的根治手术相比肿瘤的复发和生存差异无显著性。乳房成形根治术按lino Y美观标准评价,优15例,良5例。结论 随着医学模式的改进,对乳腺癌手术治疗原则已经转为由大到小的趋势,在充分切除原发癌的前提下,尽量采用破坏性较小的术式,重视保留乳房的美学理念。应用外侧软组织瓣(lateral tissus flap,LTF)乳房成形,显示出良好临床效果和使用价值。 Objective To evaluate the surgical treatment and clinical significance of breast- conservative surgery for primary breast cancer. Methods A total of 20 patients with primary' breast cancer from 1997 to 2002 were operated on by breast- conservative surgery. Results Operation was successfully performed in all cases. The wounds healed in time with no necrosis of breast nipple. 10 of the 20 cases were followed up more than two years after operation. The patients were alive without local recurrence and metastasis. No difference at survival time and local recurrence were found between the patients with breast-conservative surgery and those with radical mastectomy . 15 cases were excellent, and 5 cases good. Conclusion The breast conservative surgery, using lateral tissue flap, has a good clinical efficacy and practical value for primary breast cancer.
出处 《局解手术学杂志》 2003年第2期118-120,共3页 Journal of Regional Anatomy and Operative Surgery
关键词 外侧组织瓣转移 乳房保留 乳癌 根治术 术式 临床意义 Breast moulding Breast cancer Lateral tissue flap( LTF)
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