本文介绍了在大冶铁矿进行的砂浆锚杆与摩擦锚杆锚固力的测试方法与结果 ,并用最大剪切理论和极限平衡原理评价了巷道围岩支护结构的承载能力。研究表明砂浆锚杆的锚固力较小且离散度较大 ;锚杆容易满足安全系数的校核却较难满足对锚杆长度可靠性的要求 ;
This article introduces the methods of testing anchoring forces of grouted bolts and frictional metal bolts conducted in Daye Iron Mine and the testing results. Carrying capacity of the supporting structure for tunnel country rocks is evaluated with the maximum shearing theory and the limit equilibrium theory. According to investigation, the anchoring force of the grouted bolts is smaller and has a greater discreteness than the frictional metal bolts. The demand of the support on safety coefficient of bolts is easily satisfied, but the reliability of bolt length is not. The combined support methods, which employ two types of above bolts, may get a good support engineering in a bad condition.
Copper Engineering