目的 探讨治疗老年性上睑下垂的新术式。方法 适当切除上睑多余的皮肤后,将1.0mm宽的硅胶带以“U”字型分别缝合在上睑板中部和额肌腱膜上,依靠硅胶带的弹性作用抬高上睑,硅胶带伸张又不影响眼睑闭合,且术后可拉出眉弓处硅胶带残端进行反复调整。共治疗老年性上睑下垂20例40眼,并随访观察0.5~2a。结果 35眼1次手术成功,上睑缘弧度平顺自然,睑裂大小对称,眼睑开闭功能正常;3眼术后分别出现过矫或欠矫,经调整后得到满意效果,1眼术后出现睑内翻倒睫,经再次手术获得成功。无复发病例。结论 可调式硅胶带额肌悬吊术是治疗老年性上睑下垂较理想的手术方法之一。
Aim To observe the effect of adjustable gel strips as a frontalis suspending material in correction of senile ptosis. Methods A 1.0 mm-wide gel strip was used as the frontalis suspending material. Its lower part was fixed on the middle of the tarsus and its upper end on the tendon of the frontal muscle. Twenty cases (40 eyes) were treated since 1993 and followed up for 0.5-2 years. Results Initial operation was successful in 35 eyes. After surgery, overcorrection or undercorrection occurred in 3 cases and entropion and trichiasis in 1 case. All of them were cured after some adjustment in a further surgery. There was no reoccurrence. Conclusion Adjustable gel strips are a desirable frontalis suspending material for senile ptosis.
International Eye Science