英语作为一种国际通用语言 ,其起源、演变、发展的过程十分复杂。本文从英语的产生基础及人文因素对它的影响入手 ,阐述了现代英语的历史渊源 ,回顾了英语由日尔曼语族中的一个小语种发展成为当今全球性语言的艰难历程 ,指出英语是人民的语言 ,是多种语言汇总的结晶。
As an international language, English is quite complicated in the case of its origin, evolution and development. Starting with the influence of its origin and human cultural factors, this article states that the historic source of modern English, recalls its difficult course from a small language of Gemanic language groups to today's international language and points out that it is the language of people and the result of different languages put together.
Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute