我国的企业在入世之后面临众多挑战 ,其中最大的挑战是国外跨国公司为占领我国市场所实施的公司人员本土化战略而造成的我国企业人才大量流失。面对这一严峻的现状 ,国内企业应给予足够的重视和保持清醒的头脑 ,树立现代企业经营理念 ,将人才战略放在首要的位置。文中认为 ,我国的企业惟有做到爱“才”如命、“才”源广进、理“才”有道 ,方能求得有“才”有势 。
With China's entry into WTO,the domestic enterprises are confront with many challenges,one of which is the brain drain from state-owned enterprises to the foreign transnational corporation employing the local employees in order to take China market.Faced with this fierce situation,the domestic enterprises should set up a new ideal of modern enterprise's performance and carry out the talents' strategy in determined and clear mind. This article points that only if our enterprises appreciate their talents,attract all sorts of talents needed and give them good trainings,can they be winner in the market competition.
Journal of Simao Teachers' College