目的 :研究我国现阶段医疗纠纷增多的社会原因。方法 :用社会学诠释方法从经济体制、大众媒介及司法等多层面分析我国阶段医疗纠纷这一社会现象的深层结构和意义。结果 :从本质上说 ,目前医疗纠纷的增多是现阶段社会转型期人们的利益意识被唤起而又缺乏相应的逐利秩序的社会矛盾在医疗行业中的表现。结论 :从根本上说 。
Objective To Study the social causes of the flooding of medical disputes in our present country Method: Using sociological explanatory method, we analyse the deep structure and significance of the social phenomenon, medical disputes, in our present country in such aspects as economic system? mass media? judicature and etc. Result: The medical level in our country belongs in that in the developing countries; the present economic system weakens our hospitals, and then comes more mdecal mishaps; uncertainty of laws results in uncertain effects; irrational elements of mass media give rise to emotional public opinion. All those above contribute to medical disputes. In essence, the flooding of medical disputes is manifestaion, in medicine profession, of the social contradiction in our present trans typing society in which people's inerests consciousness evoked while proper chasing interests order not established. Conclusion: Fundamentally, the decreasing of medical disputes depends on perfecting of the economic order and progressing of whole society.
Medicine and Society