
在传染性非典型肺炎患者组织和血液中发现冠状病毒 被引量:6

Novel Coronavirus Sequences Found in SARS Patients' Tissues and Sera
摘要 用RT-PCR从广东两例传染性非典型肺炎(非典型肺炎)死亡病例的肺和脾标本中,以及北京、辽宁和宁夏非典型肺炎患者血清中,扩增出冠状病毒核苷酸序列。这些PCR产物为冠状病毒RNA聚合酶基因部分片段,所有测定的序列和国内外SARS病毒序列相同。这些发现提示,冠状病毒和非典型肺炎关系密切,有助于确定我国非典型肺炎的病因。所建立的套式PCR方法可以用于检测临床标本。由于血液中存在SARS病毒,进行血清操作时需要注意安全保护。 Novel coronavirus sequences were successfully amplified from 2 dead SARS patients' lung and spleen samples by using nested RT-PCR.The same sequences were also amplified from 6 SARS patients' sera collected from Beijing,Liaoning and Ningxia.The amplified fragment was part of RNA polymerase gene,all the nucleotide sequences of those PCR products were identical,and also were identical to other SARS viruses found in different parts of the world.It is suggested that the novel coronavirus found in spleen and blood of SARS patients was related with atypical pneumonia strongly,because the spleen and blood were not like lung and throat which opened to outside and were easily to be contaminated with viruses.The detection of SARS virus sequences from SARS patients' sera within 3-10 days of disease onset strongly suggested that the sera contain SARS virus,protecting procedures should be taken when working on sera.
出处 《病毒学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期97-99,共3页 Chinese Journal of Virology
基金 863"SARS研究重大专项项目(2003AA208027)资助
关键词 传染性非典型肺炎 冠状病毒 PCR 核苷酸序列 severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) coronavirus PCR nucleotide sequence
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