
山东省玉米矮花叶病毒的生物学特性及基因组全序列测定 被引量:6

Study on the Biological Characteristics of a Virus Isolate Causing Maize Mosaic Disease in Shandong Province and Its Complete Genomic Sequence and Analysis
摘要 对山东省玉米矮花叶病毒原分离物(SD)进行了寄主范围、血清学等普通生物学鉴定,测定了该病毒的基因组核苷酸全序列。该病毒基因组RNA由9596个核苷酸组成(不包括3′-polyA的长度),整个基因组按一个ORF编码一个3063个氨基酸的多聚蛋白。序列比较表明,该病毒分离物(SD)与玉米矮花叶病河南分离物(HN,EMBL登录号:AF494510)核苷酸全序列同源性最高,为98 2%,与已报道的甘蔗花叶病毒(SCMV)7个分离物同源性也高达79 5%~98 2%,但与玉米矮花叶病毒保加利亚分离物(MDMV-Bg,AJ001691)和高梁花叶病毒萧山甘蔗分离物(SrMV-XoS,AJ310197)的同源性仅为67 8%和69 3%,与约翰逊草花叶病毒(Z26920,JGMV)差异最大。系统进化树分析也表明,该病毒与SCMV分离物位于同一进化簇,而与MDMV进化关系很远。 A virus isolate causing maize mosaic disease in Shandong Province was examined in respect of host range and serological characteristics,etcThe sequence of the whole genome of the virus isolate(SD)were determinedThe viral genome is 9,596nt in length(the 3'-polyA is not included)and contains an open reading frame encoding a polyprotein of 3,063 amino acidsBy comparing the identity of nucleotides and amino acids,it showed that the SD isolate(GenBank accession numberAY149118)is most closely related to the maize virus isolate of Henan(HN,EMBL accession number:AF494510)with nucleotide identity of 982%It is also closely related to the 7 isolates of SCMV reported with nucleotide homology of 795%~982%On the other hand,it has lower sequence identity with maize mosaic virus Bulgarian isolate(MDMV-Bg,AJ001691)and Sorghum Mosaic Virus (SrMV,AJ310107)by 678%,693% respectively,and the lowest with JGMV(Z26920)Phylogenetic analysis showed that SD is consistently grouped with SCMV isolates,but is more distinct from MDMV and SrMV
出处 《病毒学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期159-163,共5页 Chinese Journal of Virology
基金 山东省自然科学基金项目(Y2002D16) 山东省农业科学院基金项目[鲁农科研发(1998)04号]
关键词 山东省 玉米矮花叶病毒 生物学特性 基因组 序列分析 the virus isolate of maize mosaic disease sugarcane mosaic virus the complete genomic sequence sequence analysis
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