利用智能复合材料自诊断结构实时识别荷载参量 ,是预估结构损伤、防止结构发生突发性和灾难性失效的有效方法。介绍了低速小能量冲击荷载识别问题在航空航天等领域的工程应用背景 ;建立了荷载识别系统模型 ;综述了智能材料结构应变传感测量技术以及荷载识别方法 ;并探讨了智能材料结构荷载自识别技术在应用方面亟待解决的一些问题以及未来的研究方向。
A method utilizing smart materials and structures for real-time load identification and structural response is useful in preventing structures from sudden and catastrophic failures without warning. Firstly the applications of loads identification technology in aeronautical and other areas are introduced. Then a system model about loads identification is established and a survey of strain sensing technologies in smart materials and structures, and mathematical methods to loads identification is presented. Finally, the research aspects and the key issues of loads identification are pointed out for further investigations..
Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology:Natural Science Edition
国家自然科学基金 (项目编号 :10 0 72 0 2 6和 5 0 135 0 30 )