支路损耗分摊的准确和公正与否是确保电力市场中用户公平竞争的关键。针对现有支路损耗分摊方法理论上不严密和物理意义不明确等方面的缺陷,提出了一种新的支路损耗分摊的有效方法。这种方法将支路损耗看成由有 功电流引起的损耗和无功电流引起的损耗两个部分组成,对有功(无功)电流引起的损耗再按电源对支路有功(无功)电流的贡献成正比分摊。这种方法不仅符合支路损耗的基本性质、能直接处理电网中的串并联支路,而且直接计及了有功和无功潮流的交叉耦合,弥补了已有方法的不足。基于本文方法给出了支路损耗分量的比例性质,探讨了本文方法和已有支路损耗分摊方法的等价关系和性能,仿真结果验证了本文方法和结论的正确性。
It is the key problem to ensure the faircompetition in electricity market whether the methods forbranch power loss allocation are accurate and fair or not. As for the existing methods for branch power loss allocation method, not only their theory is imprecise, but also the physicalmeaning of the methods is indeterminate. For this reason, an effective method for branch power loss allocation is putforward, in which the branch power loss is divided into two parts, one part is corresponding to the branch active current and is allocated proportionally to active current components fromgenerators, the other is corresponding to the branch reactive current and is allocated proportionally to reactive currentcomponents from generators. The presented method not only coincides with the basic properties of power losses in branches and can deal with the series branches and the parallel branches, but also can remedy the defects of existing methods by directly taking the interaction between active and reactive power flows into account in loss allocation. Based on the basic properties of branch loss component given by this paper, the equivalentrelation and performances of the presented method and other existing branch loss allocation methods are researched. Thesimulation results show that the presented method and itsconclusions are correct.
Power System Technology