
输油泵模糊控制器的设计及优化 被引量:5

Design and optimization of fuzzy controller for petroleum pump system
摘要 由于大容量输油泵系统存在严重的非线性和时变性,管道流量、输油泵入口压力及出口压力三个参数之间又存在耦合关系,采用传统的PID控制器难以实现对流量、入口压力、出口压力的良好控制。针对输油泵系统的特点,提出了一种由两个模糊控制器组成的输油泵控制方案,并应用改进的遗传算法对隶属函数和融合因子进行了优化。仿真结果表明,该控制器能够对管道流量、入口压力、出口压力进行协调优化控制。 Owing to uncertainties and non-linearity of the high power petroleum pump system and the couple relations among the flow and inlet pressure and outlet pressure of the system, it is difficult to achieve good control performance by using conventional PID controller. A new fuzzy control strategy of high power petroleum pump system which is composed of two fuzzy controllers is proposed to address those inefficiencies. Based on improved genetic algorithms, the membership functions and the parameters of the controller is optimized. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the new control strategy.
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期394-398,共5页 Control Theory & Applications
关键词 输油泵 模糊控制器 PID控制器 设计 优化 隶属函数 石油输送管线 遗传算法 petroleum pump fuzzy control genetic algorithms optimal control
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